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In 2018, the WA Alliance to End Homelessness (WAAEH) launched its Strategy to End Homelessness 2018-2028. As part of the Strategy the WAAEH committed to establishing a research, monitoring and evaluation framework to ensure rigour around the Strategy’s implementation and inform future directions.


The WAAEH through Shelter WA was funded by Lotterywest to further develop and implement the WAAEH Strategy. As part of this funding the Centre for Social Impact UWA undertook to complete:

  • An Outcomes Measurement and Evaluation Framework

  • An accompanying Data Dictionary (which operationalises the Outcomes Framework)

  • A Dashboard (which presents current findings on key targets


This Outcomes Measurement and Evaluation Framework with its accompanying tools is ground-breaking. It is the first complete community-based outcomes measurement framework of its kind for homelessness in the world. The Framework foreshadows new and exciting elements where measurement will be undertaken by and for those with lived experience of homelessness and also undertaken at the meso-level by place-based initiatives.

The Evaluation Framework is an evolving piece. The latest version is 3.0, updated July 2021.


The Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness Outcomes Measurement and Evaluation Framework

This report presents the 2021 update to the Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness Outcomes Measurement Framework: Dashboard (the Dashboard), which was first released in August 2019, and updated in February 2020. The Dashboard is an evolving, accessible, and visual platform designed to present and report on outcomes relevant to the key targets of the Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness (WAAEH). The Dashboard aims to answer the following question: Are we are ‘on track’ to end homelessness in Western Australia?

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The Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness Outcomes Measurement and Evaluation Framework

The WAAEH Outcomes Measurement Framework (Framework) is a comprehensive, systematic approach to identifying, tracking and reporting data that reflects the interactions across multiple levels and factors which contribute to preventing homelessness and sustaining and enabling exit from homelessness; the direct voice of those with lived experience of homelessness; the extent to which homelessness is ended across Western Australia; and the extent to which programs and organisations achieve their intended results, and those experiencing homelessness are able to achieve their own goals.

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The Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness Outcomes Measurement and Evaluation Framework: Data Dictionary

In the Data Dictionary, each individual indicator is broken down into measures and targets, and the rationale and methodologies for inclusion of outcomes and indicators in the measurement and evaluation of the Framework is explained. The Data Dictionary provides the basis of full operationalisation of the Framework.

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The Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness Outcomes Measurement and Evaluation Framework: Dashboard

This is an initial prototype of the Dashboard. This version of the Dashboard provides a first visualisation of data in relation to the outcomes, indicators and measures articulated in the first edition of the Framework and Data Dictionary. The underlying purpose of the Dashboard is to provide a way to easily visualise progress on measures, and to indicate whether we are ‘on-track’ with the ultimate goals of the WAAEH 10 Year Strategy.


The WAAEH is also committed to completing annual reports on the state of homelessness in Western Australia and the important programs and initiatives aimed at ending homelessness in Western Australia. The first report was launched during Homelessness Week 2019 and was funded by Lotterywest.

Ending Homelessness in Western Australia 2022 Report

This Ending Homelessness in Western Australia 2022 report builds on CSI UWA’s previous work by presenting an analysis of homelessness in Western Australia, presenting a comprehensive analysis of Western Australia's Advance to Zero from 2012 onwards (a decade of data collection in Western Australia), undertaking an analysis of Western Australia's homelessness policy and service context, and detailing the important systems and service initiatives that are on the ground now to end homelessness in Western Australia.

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Ending Homelessness in Western Australia 2021 Report

This Ending Homelessness in Western Australia 2021 report builds on CSI UWA’s previous work by presenting an analysis of homelessness in Western Australia, using the Advance to Zero database, presenting the first comprehensive analysis of Western Australia’s Advance to Zero data from 2012 onwards, undertaking an analysis of Western Australia’s homelessness policy and service context, and detailing the important initiatives that are on the ground now to end homelessness in Western Australia.

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Ending Homelessness in Western Australia 2019 Report

This report aims to synthesise existing data and connect that to what we know in terms of the thinking, responses and initiatives in Western Australia that are currently emerging. Importantly, this report captures the voices of people who have a lived experience of homelessness as well as practitioners working in the sector. It is at this touchpoint—between frontline workers and clients who are seeking support—where the most valuable insights into what is working or not working can be found. This report presents the lived experience and practitioner perspectives side by side. When one mirrors and affirms the other, a powerful narrative about the way forward unfolds.

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The WA Alliance to End Homelessness is proudly supported by the Sisters of St John of God. | © 2023.

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