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High Impact Projects

There are many projects happening in Western Australia that are making a significant positive impact and working towards ending homelessness. Please read more about them below.

The Emplace Initiative

A project of City Rotary The Emplace Initiative is a facilitator and coordinator of Western Australian business to enable a Housing First solution for people experiencing homelessness. They work as a catalyst that encourages West Australian business to increase the housing supply for people experiencing homelessness through a Housing First approach. They have connected high-level professionals with relevant skill sets to steer a purpose.

“My Home”

The “My Home” project is an immediate response to provide housing for homeless people or those at risk of homelessness. Using a Public Private Partnership (PPP) model which brings together Government, Church, Private Sector and Community Housing Providers (CHP) to share the responsibility of creating housing for homeless people.

Boorloo Bidee Mia

A 100-bed homelessness facility Boorloo Bidee Mia represents ‘Perth pathway to housing’ in Whadjuk Noongar language and the service has been provided $7.3 million over three years to operate at 300 Wellington Street in Perth. Wungening Aboriginal Corporation and Noongar Mia Mia implement and deliver culturally informed responses, tenancy management and lodging support to residents.

Foyer Oxford

Foyer Oxford combines holistic support, high quality housing and access to flexible training to give young people the opportunity to thrive long term. Part of the international Foyer movement, the multimillion dollar project is founded on the idea that ending youth homelessness can be achieved through education, training and sustainable employment.

The Home Hub

The Home Hub is connecting people who need affordable homes with people who have empty and underused homes.

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The WA Alliance to End Homelessness is proudly supported by the Sisters of St John of God. | © 2023.

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