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Housing First - Development Collection

Housing First is regarded as one of the most important innovations in homelessness service design. This website collection is a resource focused on the housing element of Housing First.

In the Housing First model, a dwelling is not a reward that a homeless person receives once their life is back on track. Instead, a dwelling is the foundation on which the rest of life is put back together. When a person has a roof securely over their head it is easier for them to focus on solving their other problems.

The Housing First - Development Collection showcases a range of Australian and international Housing First programs, demonstrating how Housing First has been applied to date while providing a starting point for practitioners, service providers, policy-makers and Community Housing Providers eager to implement the Housing First model.

The very nature of permanent supportive housing means that in order to support more individuals, the need to acquire homes is imperative. This collection hopes to inspire your aspirations for developing housing units that will conform to best practice and contribute towards ending homelessness.

Watch the official launch of the website with special guests: Dr. Sam Tsemberis, creator of the Housing First Program; Bob Jordan, Chief Executive Officer at The Housing Agency Ireland and Leah Watkins, WA's only Housing First trainer.

Bob Jordan is Chief Executive Officer at The Housing Agency Ireland. He speaks to Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness (WAAEH) Executive Officer John Berger about the implementation of the Housing First model throughout Ireland.

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The WA Alliance to End Homelessness is proudly supported by the Sisters of St John of God. | © 2023.

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