Homelessness Australia is seeking expressions of interest from experienced Housing First practitioners to undertake a train the trainer program led by their Australian internationally trained Housing First practice leaders.
This project aims to expand the Australian Specialist Homelessness Sector’s (SHS) capability in delivering Housing First programs. It will strengthen SHS capacity to deliver Housing First programs, as the evidence based response that ends homelessness for most people who have experienced long-term homelessness and have high or complex needs.
Homelessness Australia is looking to partner with organisations that:
• Are committed to Housing First programs
• Have a strong track record of Housing First program delivery and
• Have an outstanding, passionate Housing First practitioner who can also commit to the project.
Expressions of Interest
Homelessness Australia intends this Expression of Interest (EOI) process to identify 30 outstanding practitioners, working in enthusiastic and supportive services, who will be trained, and provide training to practitioners across Australia. The EOI endeavours to make clear the expectations and commitment required of both individual participants and their employers.
Organisations will need to be prepared to release their participating staff member on full pay to participate in the project.
If you are interested in participating in this exciting training opportunity, please review the Expression of Interest and contact Sian Mulgrew at sian@chp.org.au or 0401 831 136 for further information. Applications close on Monday 1st March 2021.