One of the early steps under the All Paths Lead to a Home: Western Australia’s 10-Year Strategy (the Strategy) is to develop a No Wrong Door (NWD) approach to homelessness.
In December 2019 the Department of Communities released All Paths Lead to a Home: Western Australia’s 10-Year Strategy (the Strategy). The Strategy’s vision is for Government, the community sector and the community to work together to ensure everyone has a safe place to call home and is supported to achieve stable and independent lives.
The Strategy has framed No Wrong Door as people knowing where to get help, telling their stories once, being connected to the right services at the right time and service providers talking to each other.

To initiate this approach, the Centre for Social Impact was commissioned to co-lead and facilitate a co-design process alongside Department of Communities staff resulting in a blueprint for achieving a NWD homelessness system.
The final draft was presented to the Department of Communities, the co-design participants and other Sector representatives at a launch event in July 2020.
The report, titled ‘Enabling a No Wrong Door System in Homelessness: Proposals from Co-design’ outlines the co-design process, the expectations the system should have for homelessness providers, and other system players, the platforms needed to facilitate the No Wrong Door experience, and the incentives that should be in place to ensure the system builds towards those expectations and experiences.
Read the Blueprint here.